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Arts Meet Science
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies in collaboration with Skissernas museum, April 27
The negative effects of climate change is now impossible to ignore. Researchers the world over publish daily reports detailing the devastating effects of a warmer climate on our environment and society. Yet, efforts to create a more sustainable society are slow or lacking. This has led many researchers to look outside academia, to the arts, as a way to drive engagement and encourage change. Similarly, more and more artists are taking inspiration from climate research and climate science in their art.
With the event Arts Meet Science, LUCSUS and Skissernas Museum wish to explore the relationship between arts and science with a special focus on climate change and sustainability. Through workshops, collective art making, artistic installations and a panel debate with researchers and artists, we will explore how, and if, art and research can collaborate as a means to drive change for a more sustainable society.
All seminars and workshops are open to attend, no registration is needed.
10.00 - 11.30
Narrating Climate Futures: Storytelling to create change
How do fictional stories of climate change correspond to researchers' scientific models of our future, and how do they differ? Can we, or should we, look to climate fiction as a way to drive change for a more sustainable society?
Welcome to a seminar with a science fiction writer, a leading climate change modelist, and a professor in literature.
Moderator: Adam Leckius, student at Lund University and international coordinator for PUSH Sverige.
13.30 - 14.30
Performance and participation workshop: Enhancing and organising our engagement with climate change realities (in Swedish)
An explorative session on performance led by director Rebecca Örtman from RATS Theatre and sustainability researchers Emily Boyd and Maja Essebo from LUCSUS, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies. Through discussions and practice, participants will explore performance as a way of enhancing and organising our engagement with climate change realities and actions for sustainability. How does performance or participation through art enhance the ways that we understand, feel or interpret climate change threats. Does participation with, in and through art make any difference?
15.00 - 16.00
Artist talk (in Swedish)
Discussion between artists Mats Bigert and Lars Bergström, behind the present exhibition the Weather War at Skissernas Musuem, and sustainability researcher Emma Johansson on how they integrate climate science and art, and reach out to the groups in society most affected by climate change.
Panel Debate: Arts meet Science. The role of the arts in responding to climate change (in Swedish).
In this debate, researchers and artists discuss the relationship between arts/culture and climate science. What role can, and should, the arts have in driving change and creating a more sustainable society, and how can researchers and artists collaborate and work closer together?
After work, including “matchmaking” between researchers and artists
Take the opportunity to make new contacts, exchange ideas and discuss possible collaborations.
Artistic and Creative Events
12.00 - 18.00
Co-creative workshop: Fantastic futures
Participate in the creation of a collective art work by using recyclable materials in Skissernas' workshop, and explore diferent world views and visions together with sustainability researchers and students.
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) is a leading interdisciplinary research centre established at Lund University since 2005. LUCSUS has a unique way of addressing complex sustainability issues from an integrated natural and social science perspective, and with a solutions-based approach.
Skissernas Museum
Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art is a unique art museum that focuses on the artistic creative process. It features the world’s largest collection of sketches, models and preparatory work for Swedish and international public art.
The programme for Arts Meet Science is inspired by and relates to the the exhibition The Weather War by the artists Mats Bigert and Lars Bergström. The artists will host a speical guided exhibition of their works, and discuss their art in both the panel debate and artist talk during the day.
Bigert & Bergström is an artist duo living and working in Stockholm, Sweden. They met while at the art academy in Stockholm in 1986 and have collaborated ever since. Through their career B&B have produced and created art ranging from large-scale installations to public works, sculptures and film projects. Often with a conceptual edge, the core of their work is placed right in the junction between humanity, nature and technology. With energetic curiosity their art investigate scientific and social topics discussed in contemporary society.
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| 17 Nov 2020