PhD Guest Researchers at LUCSUS
A guest PhD is someone who is enrolled in a PhD program at another institution, but wishes to spend time (generally 1-6 months) physically based at LUCSUS. Guest PhDs can contribute to and benefit from the intellectual environment at LUCSUS, and LUCSUS can offer to host Guest PhDs under the following guidelines.
Guest PhDs
A PhD who wishes to visit LUCSUS for a guest position should directly contact a senior researcher at LUCSUS who can serve as their host. The host should be qualified to supervise PhD students (docent).
The guest PhD should provide a CV and a short letter of motivation. The letter should describe the research they propose to undertake while at LUCSUS, the time period of the proposed visit, and their motivation for selecting LUCSUS as a host institution, and for collaborating with the host. To ensure mutual benefit, the visit should involve focused work on a specific research project closely connected to key LUCSUS research areas, and to the research expertise of the host. The guest PhD should be prepared to engage in the LUCSUS environment, including to make at least one presentation at a LUCSUS seminar. The project during the visit is generally expected to lead to a research output (conference presentation or publication) involving the LUCSUS host.
The guest PhD should also state that they are aware that such visiting positions are not funded by LUCSUS; the guest PhD is responsible for their own salary, expenses, and housing while in Lund, and needs to provide their own computer.
Further, guest PhDs should be aware that only students accepted to a PhD program at Lund University are eligible for course credits. If a guest PhD wishes to take a course during their visit, they need to get the instructor’s permission to sit in on the course, and be aware that they will not receive course points.
It is important that a host for a guest PhD has time and enthusiasm to actively work with the guest PhD on a project of mutual interest during their visit. See the LUCSUS guidelines for hosting guest researchers.
Link to guidelines for independently-financed guest researchers
In addition, for guest PhDs, the host needs to:
- Receive approval from the LUCSUS Management Team (LUCSUS Director and Director of PhD Studies) to host the guest PhD (forward to them the motivation letter and CV from the guest PhD, along with a brief statement of your motivation to host the applicant).
- Ensure the guest PhD has an office place (desk and chair) available to them for the duration of their visit.
- Arrange a welcome meeting with HR Administrator to orient the guest to LUCSUS routines and practicalities (email, key cards, IT system, etc.)
- Arrange a welcome meeting with the Director of PhD Studies to ensure the guest is included in PhD activities.
- Introduce the guest PhD to the LUCSUS community at a department gathering (e.g., Monday meeting or fika).