Ebba Brink
Affiliated researcher
Areas of expertise
- Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
- Popular resistance
- Ecosystem services and nature-based solutions in urban areas (particularly ecosystem-based adaptation)
- Transdisciplinarity: concept and methods
- Swedish coastal municipalities; informal settlements in Latin America
My research revolves around how cities and people manage and adapt to climate-related risk, including the contributions and different representations of Nature in this process. Since uncovering and addressing root causes of risk and vulnerability requires working across traditional academic disciplines and the science/society-divide, I am also interested in transdisciplinary, participatory and reflexive approaches to science.
My current research focus at LUCSUS is on synergies and conflicts around climate change adaptation and related nature-based solutions in informal settlements in rapidly urbanising cities in the Global South; in particular, in Brazil and Colombia. This has led to articles examining human-nature connectedness in Brazilian favelas (working-class neighbourhoods), reparation ecology as a way to counter climate risk in Latin America, and the role of popular resistance in climate adaptation globally.
Past research includes my PhD thesis (Adapting Cities, 2018) on the emergence of climate adaptation as a policy goal for Swedish municipalities. It examined ecosystem-based adaptation and citizen engagement in adaptation as ways of reducing local risk from adverse climate events. This entailed reviewing scientific evidence from urban case studies worldwide, and empirically examining adaptation processes in south-Swedish coastal municipalities. In particular, I examined the questions of how and on what basis ecosystem-based adaptation is applied in cities; how and for what reasons Swedish citizens engage in adaptation; and how the two approaches had played out in adaptation governance in the South-Swedish Scania region.
Research projects
Where the Favela Meets the Forest (favelAdapt), 2019-2023. Focused on human–nature interactions in Rio de Janeiro’s informal settlements, and the idea of 'urban ecosystem-based adaptation' as a platform for collaboration and conflict between different actors (residents, planners, scientists) and interests (Brazil). International postdoc project financed by VR.
Everyday Forms of Resistance to State Adaptation (RESIST), 2019-2023. An ethnographic study of how residents of informal settlements experience and create resistance to climate-related risks and top-down adaptation interventions (Colombia). Financed by FORMAS.
Building Inclusive Urban Communities (BInUCom), 2015-2019. Focused on how planning and architecture schools can develop their curricula to better address the complex challenges of informality, environmental risks and social exclusion faced by the urban poor (India). Erasmus+ capacity building project financed by the EU. (Project webpage@Danube University Krems).
Sustainable Urban Transformation for Climate Change Adaptation, 2012-2019. Focused on the role of active citizens and interactive risk governance for increasing cities' resilience to climate-related extreme events (Sweden). Financed by FORMAS. (Project webpage@LUCSUS, Dissemination page for Swedish stakeholders)
Implementing the Ecosystem Services Approach at the municipal level (ECOSIMP), 2013-2017. Focused on transdisciplinary methods for university–municipality collaboration and the conditions for implementing ecosystem services and ecosystem-based adaptation in municipal planning. Financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. (Project webpage in Swedish)
My teaching generally focuses on methods for climate change adaptation and its integration (or mainstreaming) into local/urban planning. I encourage students to apply theoretical frameworks on risk, adaptation and resilience to analyse local climate risk beyond its apparent or immediate causes and suggest comprehensive adaptation strategies that resonate with local contexts and communities.
Since 2013, I have been involved in teaching the following courses at master’s level:
- Resilience and Sustainable Development (new elective in 2018) *
- Urban and Rural Systems and Sustainability (urban module) *
- Methods for Adaptation and Mitigation (adaptation module) **
*Lund University International Master’s Program in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES) **Lund University Master’s Programme in Applied Climate Change Strategies (Tillämpad klimatstrategi)
In 2018, together with LUCSUS colleagues, I coordinated and taught the elective course Sustainable Local Development: Perspectives on Risk, Gender and Sanitation for architecture students at the University of Mumbai.
Outreach and policy engagement
As a Sustainability Scientist, an important part of my job is to engage with and communicate research to stakeholders and knowledge users outside academia. Selected experiences include:
- Working with rights-based community organisations in Rio de Janeiro's working-class neighbourhoods to create actionable knowledge on climate adaptation
- Contributing author on IPBES Values Assessment Chapter 6. Full reference: Kelemen, E., Subramanian, S., Nakangu, B., Islar, M., Kosmus, M., Nuesiri, E., Porter-Bolland, L., De Vos, A., Amaruzaman S., Yiu E., and Arroyo-Robles, G. (2022). Chapter 6: Policy options and capacity development to operationalize the inclusion of diverse values of nature in decision-making. In: Methodological Assessment Report on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Balvanera, P., Pascual, U., Christie, M., Baptiste, B., and González-Jiménez, D. (eds). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6522359
- Developing principles for city–citizen commoning for climate adaptation – a policy brief and an associated workshop for municipalities, and a flyer for citizens – based on our findings in the Urban Transformations project (for the outputs see https://www.lucsus.lu.se/klimatsamverkan, in Swedish)
- Continuous and transdisciplinary collaboration with municipal planners and ecologists in south-Swedish municipalities in the ECOSIMP project.
- Co-authoring policy reports and planning tools in both Swedish and English, including Synthesis report on ecosystem-based adaptation (2017, Swedish), ECOSIMP report to Naturvårdsverket (2017, Swedish) and Synthesis report on Swedish adaptation research (2014, Swedish).
Research outputs
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Quiet resistance speaks: A global literature review of the politics of popular resistance to climate adaptation interventions
Ana Maria Falla Vargas, Ebba Brink, Emily Boyd
(2024) World Development, 177
Journal articleSustainability dialogues in Brazil: implications for boundary-spanning science and education
Fabio R. Scarano, Ebba Brink, Beatriz L. R. Carneiro, Luciane Coutinho, Clemir Fernandes, et al.
(2024) Global Sustainability, 7 p.30-30
Journal articleWeapons of the vulnerable? A review of popular resistance to climate adaptation
Ebba Brink, Ana Maria Vargas Falla, Emily Boyd
(2023) Global Environmental Change, 80
Journal articleNatureza: por que a palavra importa para a transição para a sustentabilidade?
Fabio R Scarano, Anna C F Aguiar, Ebba Brink, Beatriz L R Carneiro, Vitória L Holz
(2023) Concepções de Natureza: Debates Contemporâneos , p.13-38
Book chapterReparation ecology and climate risk in Latin-America: Experiences from four countries
Andrea Lampis, Ebba Brink, Amaya Carrasco-Torrontegui, Agni H. dos Santos, Estuardo Solórzano-Lemus, et al.
(2022) Frontiers in Climate, 4
Journal article‘Urban biocultural diversity’ as a framework for human–nature interactions: reflections from a Brazilian favela
Sanna Stålhammar, Ebba Brink
(2020) Urban Ecosystems, 23
Journal articleNature unsettled: How knowledge and power shape ‘nature-based’ approaches to societal challenges
Stephen Woroniecki, Hausner Wendo, Ebba Brink, Mine Islar, Torsten Krause, et al.
(2020) Global Environmental Change, 65
Journal article171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleNaturliga lösningar ger god bebyggd miljö
Helena Hanson, Johanna Alkan Olsson, Ebba Brink
(2019) Stadsbyggnad , p.6-8
Journal articleCitizen engagement in climate adaptation surveyed : The role of values, worldviews, gender and place
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler
(2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 209 p.1342-1353
Journal articleGemensam klimatanpassning : Principer för hållbar samverkan mellan kommuner och medborgare
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler
ReportMindsets for Sustainability : Exploring the Link Between Mindfulness and Sustainable Climate Adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2018) Ecological Economics, 151 p.55-61
Journal articleAdapting Cities : Ecosystem-based approaches and citizen engagement in municipal climate adaptation in Scania, Sweden
Ebba Brink
DissertationOn the road to ‘research municipalities’: analysing transdisciplinarity in municipal ecosystem services and adaptation planning
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler, Maria Adolfsson, Monica Axelsson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2018) Sustainability Science, 13 p.765-784
Journal articleCollaborative Governance for Climate Change Adaptation : Mapping citizen–municipality interactions
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler
(2018) Environmental Policy and Governance, 28 p.82-97
Journal articleUrbanização, Mudanças Climáticas e Capacidade de Adaptação: estudo de caso no Morro Vital Brazil
Flavia Speiski dos Santos, Lourdes Brazil Santos Argueta, Ebba Brink
(2017) Riscos Urbanos Decorrentes do Aquecimento Global. Volume II , p.197-227
Book chapterEkosystemtjänstbegreppet–en historisk tillbakablick och den förväntade rollen i svensk miljöpolicy
Per Schubert, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2017) YMER , p.213-237
Book chapterImplementering av ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i kommunal verksamhet - Slutrapport
K. Ingemar Jönsson, Nils G. A. Ekelund, Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Thomas H. Beery, et al.
(2017) Naturvårdsverket
ReportEkosystembaserad klimatanpassning : Konceptualisering och kunskapsöversyn
Johanna Alkan Olsson, Ebba Brink, Johan Ekroos, Helena Hanson, Johan Hollander, et al.
ReportGuideline for integrating ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning and governance
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2016) Disaster Studies and Management Working Paper, 32
Working paperPromoting nature-based solutions: Guideline for integrating ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning and governance
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
ReportPerceptions of the ecosystem services concept: Opportunities and challenges in the Swedish municipal context
Thomas Beery, Sanna Stålhammar, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Christine Wamsler, Torleif Bramryd, et al.
(2016) Ecosystem Services, 17 p.123-130
Journal articleCascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas
Ebba Brink, JOHANNES THEODOR AALDERS, Dóra Ádám, Robert Feller, Yuki Henselek, et al.
(2016) Global Environmental Change, 36 p.111-123
Journal articleThe urban domino effect: a conceptualization of cities’ interconnectedness of risk
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2016) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 p.80-113
Journal articlePriority areas in municipality planning : Ecosystem services, environmental impact assessments and research areas
Thomas R. Palo, Karen Lagercrantz, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2016) One Ecosystem, 1
Journal articleThe role of individual adaptive practice for sustainable adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 6 p.6-29
Journal articleAdaptive capacity : from coping to sustainable transformation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) Climate change adaptation and development: transforming paradigms and practices , p.54-82
Book chapterThe urban domino effect: a conceptualization of cities’ interconnectedness of risk, Input paper
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) Global assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 , p.1-39
Book chapterFrom Adaptive Capacity to Adaptation: Rethinking the Interface between Institutions and Citizens
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) Input paper for The State of DRR at the Local Level, A 2015 Report on the Patterns of Disaster Risk Reduction Actions at Local Level , p.1-18
Book chapterA review of urban ecosystem services: six key challenges for future research
Christopher Luederitz, Ebba Brink, F Gralla, V Hermelingmeier, M Meyer, et al.
(2015) Ecosystem Services, 14 p.98-112
Journal article reviewPlanning for resilience to climatic extremes and variability: A review of Swedish municipalities’ adaptation responses
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2014) Sustainability, 6 p.1359-1385
Journal articleInterfacing citizens’ and institutions’ practice and responsibilities for climate change adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2014) Urban Climate, 7 p.64-91
Journal articleMoving beyond short-term coping and adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2014) Environment & Urbanization, 26 p.86-111
Journal articleLocal levers for change: Mainstreaming ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning to foster sustainability transitions
Christine Wamsler, Christopher Luederitz, Ebba Brink
(2014) Global Environmental Change, 29 p.189-201
Journal articleSvensk forskning om klimatanpassning inom styrning och planering [Swedish research on climate change adaptation, governance and planning]
M Hjerpe, E Glaas, E Storbjörk, S Jonsson, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2014) CSPR Briefings
ReportEn klimatanpassingsguide för kommuner [Guide for Municipal Climate Change Adaptation]
Ebba Brink, Adelina Osmani, Christine Wamsler
OtherPlanning for climate change in urban areas : From theory to practice
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Claudia Rivera
(2013) Journal of Cleaner Production, 50 p.68-81
Journal articleClimate Change, Adaptation, and Formal Education: the Role of Schooling for Increasing Societies' Adaptive Capacities in El Salvador and Brazil
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Oskari Rantala
(2012) Ecology & Society, 17 p.2-2
Journal article
Ebba Brink is a postdoctoral researcher at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). She has a master's degree in Engineering Mathematics with a focus on Risk Management, and a PhD in Sustainability Science, both from Lund University. Her research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the roles of people and nature in the governance of urban climate risk.
Research Projects
Ebba’s ongoing research projects include:
- Where the Favela Meets the Forest (favelAdapt), on human–nature interactions in Rio’s informal settlements, and the idea of 'urban ecosystem-based adaptation' as a platform for collaboration and conflict (Brazil)
- Everyday Forms of Resistance to State Adaptation (RESIST), on how residents of informal settlements experience and create resistance to climate-related risks and top-down adaptation interventions (Colombia).
Related LU News
15 Aug 2023: New review maps where and how people resist climate adaptation (ENG / SWE)
4 Dec 2020: Research reveals diverse relations to nature in Rio’s favelas (ENG / SWE)
14 Apr 2020: Low preparedness to counter the pandemic in Brazil’s favelas (ENG / SWE)
19 Aug 2019: Researchers present guidelines for improved city-citizen cooperation for climate adaptation (ENG)
14 Nov 2018: “Urban dynamics such as shortage of affordable land and housing force the urban poor to settle on hazardous marginal lands in the city” (ENG)
31 Oct 2018: Fruitful culture clash in new elective course in India (SWE)
29 Aug 2018: “Swedish citizens need more support to handle the effects of climate change“ (ENG / SWE)
12 Mar 2018: Structuring collaboration between municipalities and academics: testing a model for transdisciplinary sustainability projects (ENG / SWE)