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Ebba Brink

Ebba Brink

Affiliated researcher

Ebba Brink

Research outputs

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.


Ebba Brink is a postdoctoral researcher at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). She has a master's degree in Engineering Mathematics with a focus on Risk Management, and a PhD in Sustainability Science, both from Lund University. Her research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the roles of people and nature in the governance of urban climate risk.

Research Projects

Ebba’s ongoing research projects include:

  • Where the Favela Meets the Forest (favelAdapt), on human–nature interactions in Rio’s informal settlements, and the idea of 'urban ecosystem-based adaptation' as a platform for collaboration and conflict (Brazil)
  • Everyday Forms of Resistance to State Adaptation (RESIST), on how residents of informal settlements experience and create resistance to climate-related risks and top-down adaptation interventions (Colombia).

Related LU News

15 Aug 2023: New review maps where and how people resist climate adaptation (ENG / SWE)

4 Dec 2020: Research reveals diverse relations to nature in Rio’s favelas (ENG SWE)

14 Apr 2020: Low preparedness to counter the pandemic in Brazil’s favelas (ENG / SWE)

19 Aug 2019: Researchers present guidelines for improved city-citizen cooperation for climate adaptation (ENG)

14 Nov 2018: “Urban dynamics such as shortage of affordable land and housing force the urban poor to settle on hazardous marginal lands in the city” (ENG)

31 Oct 2018: Fruitful culture clash in new elective course in India (SWE)

29 Aug 2018: “Swedish citizens need more support to handle the effects of climate change“ (ENG / SWE)

12 Mar 2018: Structuring collaboration between municipalities and academics: testing a model for transdisciplinary sustainability projects (ENG / SWE)