Felix Schulz
Postdoctoral fellow
I am an interdisciplinary researcher, drawing on labour economics, sociology of work and social psychology to understand individuals’ and labour institutions’ perceptions of climate change and just transition policies, and the drivers thereof.
At Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) I will lead a four-year project “Lost in transition? Unravelling worker identities in the transformation towards a decarbonised future” funded by a Formas Early Career Researcher Grant. The research project investigates the role and interaction of multiple worker identities – organizational, occupational, local, environmental etc. – in support for the transformation towards a decarbonised future in Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom. Administrating large-scale, representative survey data in each country, the research aims to identify how these different identities affect support in two ways: i) the workers’ support for and willingness to engage in (re-)training and (re-) qualification initiatives, and ii) worker support for policy measures aimed at transforming organizations and sectors. A specific focus will be placed on answering the following questions:
- How do different identities influence support for and resistance against transformation measures?
- How do individual values interact with identities to influence support for and resistance?
- How do sectors, occupations and/or regions influence in the relationship between identities and transition support?
- What role do employment relations systems play for the relationship between identities and transition support?
Prior to joining LUCSUS, I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC), the Digital Futures at Work (digit) Research Centre and the Hans-Böckler-Foundation funded Competence Centre on social-ecological transformations at the University of Leeds, where I remain as Visiting Research Fellow.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Gesellschaftliches Gelingen der Transformation : Die Rolle von Beschäftigten, Betrieben und Gewerkschaften
Vera Trappmann, Felix Schulz
(2025) Zwischen Zumutung und Zuversicht : Transformation als gesellschaftliches Projekt , p.108-111
Book chapterNavigating sustainable futures : The role of terminal and instrumental values
Gustav Osberg, Felix Schulz, Christian Bretter
(2024) Ecological Economics, 225
Journal articleClimate policy support in the UK: An interaction of worldviews and policy types
Christian Bretter, Felix Schulz
(2024) Policy Studies Journal
Journal articleWie Blicken Arbeitnehmer: innen auf die Energiewende? : Eine Analyse entlang politischer Parteipräferenzen
Felix Schulz, Vera Trappmann
(2024) Working Paper Forschungsförderung , p.3-59
Working paperTowardsa Paradigm Shift: How Can Machine Learning Extend the Boundaries of Quantitative Management Scholarship?
Danat Valizade, Felix Schulz, Cezara Nicoara
(2024) British Journal of Management, 35 p.99-114
Journal articleClimate Change, Green Economy and Work : the perception of workers in Germany and the UK
Vera Trappmann, Jo Cutter, Felix Schulz, Jack Daly, Ursula Balderson
ReportPublic support for decarbonization policies in the UK: exploring regional variations and policy instruments
Christian Bretter, Felix Schulz
(2023) Climate Policy, 24 p.117-137
Journal articleErwartungen von Beschäftigten an die sozial-ökologische Transformation : Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Umfrage zu Klimawandel und Arbeitswelt
Felix Schulz, Vera Trappmann
(2023) Working Paper Series Forschungsförderung , p.3-76
Working paperUK Workers and the Low-Carbon Transition : Worker perspectives on the climate crisis, the low-carbon transition and employment
Jo Cutter, Vera Trappmann, Felix Schulz, Ursula Balderson
ReportMissing Data: Understanding UK firms' investment in and use of new digital technologies at work
Felix Schulz, Danat Valizade, Mark Stuart
Web publicationWhy focusing on “climate change denial” is counterproductive
Christian Bretter, Felix Schulz
(2023) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120
Journal articleEmployers' Digital Practices at Work Survey : First Findings
Mark Stuart, Danat Valizade, Felix Schulz, Brendan Burchell, Richard Dickens, et al.
ReportThe effect of intra-workplace pay inequality on employee trust in managers: Assessing a multilevel moderated mediation effect model
Felix Schulz, Danat Valizade, Andy Charlwood
(2022) Human Relations, 75 p.705-733
Journal articleHarnessing pay inequality to increase employee trust
Felix Schulz, Andy Charlwood, Danat Valizade
(2021) HR Magazine
Journal article(K)eine Chance für progressive Politik? (2)
Felix Schulz, Patrick Kaczmarczyk
Journal article(K)eine Change für progressive Politik? (1)
Felix Schulz, Patrick Kaczmarczyk
Journal article