Melissa García
Associate senior lecturer

Melissa García-Lamarca is an Associate Senior Lecturer (biträdande universitetslektor) at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). Her research unpacks housing injustices and urban green inequalities through looking at both political economic processes and situated, everyday lived experience. With a PhD in Geography from the University of Manchester (2016), previous to her appointment at LUCSUS she held Spanish and European-funded postdoctoral positions at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA, Institute of Technology and Environmental Science) and the Polytechnic of Turin (DIST, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning).
Melissa is a co-founder and editorial collective member of the Radical Housing Journal, and an associate member of the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ). She has over twenty years of experience working as a consultant in a sustainability workers cooperative, a researcher, teacher and project coordinator.
To read more about Melissa's research, teaching, supervision, publications and public outputs, please visit https://mgarcialamarca.me/
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Does greening generate exclusive residential real estate development? Contrasting experiences from North America and Europe
Isabelle Anguelovski, Emilia Oscilowicz, James J.T. Connolly, Melissa García-Lamarca, Carmen Perez-del-Pulgar, et al.
(2024) Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 101
Journal articleThe Multi-Scalar Inequities of Climate Adaptation Finance : A Critical Review
Kayin Venner, Melissa García-Lamarca, Marta Olazabal
(2024) Current Climate Change Reports, 10 p.46-59
Journal article review”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articlePerceived urban ecosystem services and disservices in gentrifying neighborhoods : Contrasting views between community members and state informants
Mary Kathryn Rodgman, Isabelle Anguelovski, Carmen Pérez-del-Pulgar, Galia Shokry, Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, et al.
(2024) Ecosystem Services, 65
Journal articleRadical Methodological Openness and Method as Politics : Reflections on Militant Research with Squatters in Catalonia
Mara Ferreri, Melissa García-Lamarca
(2024) Antipode, 56 p.469-491
Journal articleHousing and welfare in Catalonia, Spain
Melissa García-Lamarca
(2023) The Routledge Handbook of Housing and Welfare , p.142-156
Book chapterFrom the squat to the neighbourhood : Popular infrastructures as reproductive urban commons
Sergio Ruiz Cayuela, Melissa García-Lamarca
(2023) Geoforum, 144
Journal articlePréstamos fallidos, personas fallidas : Vida y lucha contra la deuda hipotecaria
Melissa García-Lamarca
BookGrassroots mobilization for a just, green urban future: Building community infrastructure against green gentrification and displacement
Emilia Oscilowicz, Isabelle Anguelovski, Melissa García-Lamarca, Helen v. s. Cole, Galia Shokry, et al.
(2023) Journal of Urban Affairs , p.1-34
Journal articleThe right to the unhealthy deprived city : An exploration into the impacts of state-led redevelopment projects on the determinants of mental health
Ella O'Neill, Helen V.S. Cole, Melissa García-Lamarca, Isabelle Anguelovski, Pedro Gullón, et al.
(2023) Social Science and Medicine, 318
Journal articleInjustice in Urban Sustainability : Ten Core Drivers
Panagiota Kotsila, Isabelle Anguelovski, Melissa García, Filka Sekulova
(2023) Routledge Equity, Justice and the Sustainable City series
BookGreen gentrification in European and North American cities
Isabelle Anguelovski, James J.T. Connolly, Helen Cole, Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, Margarita Triguero-Mas, et al.
(2022) Nature Communications, 13
Journal articleChallenging the financial capture of urban greening
Melissa García-Lamarca, Isabelle Anguelovski, Kayin Venner
(2022) Nature Communications, 13
Journal article (comment)Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities : the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces
Margarita Triguero-Mas, Isabelle Anguelovski, James J.T. Connolly, Nick Martin, Austin Matheney, et al.
(2022) Environmental Research Letters, 17
Journal articleUrban green grabbing : Residential real estate developers discourse and practice in gentrifying Global North neighborhoods
Melissa García-Lamarca, Isabelle Anguelovski, Helen V.S. Cole, James J.T. Connolly, Carmen Pérez-del-Pulgar, et al.
(2022) Geoforum, 128 p.1-10
Journal articleNon-Peforming Loans, Non-Performing People: Life and Struggle with Mortgage Debt in Spain
Melissa García
(2022) Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation
BookGentrification pathways and their health impacts on historically marginalized residents in Europe and North America : Global qualitative evidence from 14 cities
Isabelle Anguelovski, Helen V.S. Cole, Ella O'Neill, Francesc Baró, Panagiota Kotsila, et al.
(2021) Health and Place, 72
Journal articleNatural outdoor environments’ health effects in gentrifying neighborhoods : Disruptive green landscapes for underprivileged neighborhood residents
Margarita Triguero-Mas, Isabelle Anguelovski, Melissa García-Lamarca, Lucía Argüelles, Carmen Perez-del-Pulgar, et al.
(2021) Social Science and Medicine, 279
Journal articleAdapting the environmental risk transition theory for urban health inequities : An observational study examining complex environmental riskscapes in seven neighborhoods in Global North cities
Helen V.S. Cole, Isabelle Anguelovski, James J.T. Connolly, Melissa García-Lamarca, Carmen Perez-del-Pulgar, et al.
(2021) Social Science and Medicine, 277
Journal articleOrdinary and extraordinary greening : Tensions amidst Saint-Henri, Montréal’s development boom
Melissa García-Lamarca, Aaron Vansintjan
(2021) The Green City and Social Injustice : 21 Tales from North America and Europe , p.187-199
Book chapterLand remediation in Gloasgow's East End : A “sustainability fix” for whose benefit?
Melissa García-Lamarca, Neil Gray
(2021) The Green City and Social Injustice : 21 Tales from North America and Europe , p.100-110
Book chapterConclusion : A new tale for the green city?
Isabelle Anguelovski, James J.T. Connolly, Melissa García-Lamarca, Emilia Oscilowicz
(2021) The Green City and Social Injustice : 21 Tales from North America and Europe , p.311-321
Book chapterUrban green boosterism and city affordability : For whom is the ‘branded’ green city?
Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, Isabelle Anguelovski, Helen Cole, James J.T. Connolly, Lucía Argüelles, et al.
(2021) Urban Studies, 58 p.90-112
Journal articleReal estate crisis resolution regimes and residential REITs : emerging socio-spatial impacts in Barcelona
Melissa García-Lamarca
(2021) Housing Studies, 36 p.1407-1426
Journal articleThe COVID-19 pandemic : power and privilege, gentrification, and urban environmental justice in the global north
Helen V.S. Cole, Isabelle Anguelovski, Francesc Baró, Melissa García-Lamarca, Panagiota Kotsila, et al.
(2021) Cities and Health, 5 p.71-75
Journal articleExpanding the Boundaries of Justice in Urban Greening Scholarship : Toward an Emancipatory, Antisubordination, Intersectional, and Relational Approach
Isabelle Anguelovski, Anna Livia Brand, James J.T. Connolly, Esteve Corbera, Panagiota Kotsila, et al.
(2020) Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110 p.1743-1769
Journal articleGentrification and health in two global cities : a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents
Isabelle Anguelovski, Margarita Triguero-Mas, James J.T. Connolly, Panagiota Kotsila, Galia Shokry, et al.
(2020) Cities and Health, 4 p.40-49
Journal articleGreen gentrification and displacement in Barcelona
Melissa García-Lamarca, James Connolly, Isabelle Anguelovski
(2020) Housing Displacement : Conceptual and Methodological Issue , p.156-170
Book chapterNew scholarly pathways on green gentrification : What does the urban ‘green turn’ mean and where is it going?
Isabelle Anguelovski, James J.T. Connolly, Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, Helen Cole, Hamil Pearsall
(2019) Progress in Human Geography, 43 p.1064-1086
Journal article«Deuda hipotecaria fallida, persona fallida» : La financiarización de la vivienda y la vida en cataluña
Melissa García Lamarca
(2019) Arbor, 195
Journal articleAre green cities healthy and equitable? Unpacking the relationship between health, green space and gentrification
Helen V.S. Cole, Melisa Garcia Lamarca, James J.T. Connolly, Isabelle Anguelovski
(2017) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 71 p.1118-1121
Journal article“Value Grabbing” : A Political Ecology of Rent
Diego Andreucci, Melissa García-Lamarca, Jonah Wedekind, Erik Swyngedouw
(2017) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 28 p.28-47
Journal articleCreating political subjects : Collective knowledge and action to enact housing rights in Spain
Melissa García-Lamarca
(2017) Community Development Journal, 52 p.421-435
Journal articleReconfiguring the public through housing rights struggles in Spain
Melissa García-Lamarca
(2017) City Unsilenced : Urban Resistance and Public Space in the Age of Shrinking Democracy , p.44-55
Book chapterDeconstructing and recalibrating urban design in the global south
Camillo Boano, Melissa García Lamarca, Andrew Wade
(2017) Explorations in Urban Design : An Urban Design Research Primer , p.25-34
Book chapterFrom Occupying Plazas to Recuperating Housing : Insurgent Practices in Spain
Melissa García-Lamarca
(2017) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41 p.37-53
Journal article‘Mortgaged lives’ : the biopolitics of debt and housing financialisation
Melissa García-Lamarca, Maria Kaika
(2016) Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41 p.313-327
Journal articleInsurgent acts of being–in–common and housing in Spain : Making urban commons?
Melissa García Lamarca
(2015) Urban Commons : Moving Beyond State and Market , p.165-177
Book chapterThe frontlines of contested urbanism : Mega-projects and mega-resistances in Dharavi
Camillo Boano, Melissa Garcia Lamarca, William Hunter
(2011) Journal of Developing Societies, 27 p.295-326
Journal article