Christine Wamsler
Professor, Docent, appointed Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP)

Research Areas
Sustainable cities, climate change mitigation and adaptation, climate policy mainstreaming, climate policy integration, disaster risk reduction, disaster management, urban governance and planning, collaborative governance, city-citizen collaboration, citizen participation, resilience, sustainability and wellbeing, sustainability transformation, inner development goals, inner transformations, inner transition, existential sustainability.
Christine Wamsler's research interests are in sustainable urban development, climate change action, resilience and associated cognitive and material transformation processes. She has been ranked as the world’s 8th most influential scholar in the field of environmental science (and number 1 in Sweden).
Global trends such as climate change and mental ill-health, the ways in which power emerges and consolidates, and the causes and consequences of the unequal distribution of vulnerabilities and risk, are central to understanding urban challenges. At the same time, cities have the potential to enhance opportunities for their citizens and support individual and collective agency.
Christine Wamsler’s work examines, amongst other things, how cities can meet sustainability challenges by analyzing (a) the reciprocal relationship between urban development and risk, (b) how risk and vulnerability reduction can be sustainably integrated in urban planning and governance, and (c) exploring the role of contemplative approaches to support sustainability across individual, collective and system levels. In addition, Christine has been carrying out research on the role that urban policies and planning can have in mitigating both the spread, and the effects, of pandemics.
Christine Wamsler's research and collaboration projects include:
- The Existential Resilience Collaboration Initiative ERiCi - Exploring the role of contemplation, aesthetics and compassion to counter stress, fragmentation and the loss of meaning that underlie today’s societal crises, 2023-2025, financed by LU (see here; LU website and blogg).
- The Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program - The role of individual and collective inner dimensions and transformation in sustainability, ongoing program since 2015 (see program websites here and here).
- Clarity - From Climate Anxiety to Climate Resilience and Regeneration in Education, 2024-2026, financed by ERASMUS+ (see program website here and related literature review).
- Mind4Change - Full project title: Agents of change: Mind, cognitive bias and decision-making in a context of social and climate change, 2020–2025, financed by The Swedish Research Council FORMAS (see project websites here and here).
- TransVision - Full project title: Transition Visions: Coupling society, well-being and energy systems for transitioning to a fossil-free society, 2020–2025, financed by The Swedish Research Council FORMAS (see project websites here and here).
- Global Leadership for Sustainable Development - The role of Inner Development Goals (IDGs) for accelerating change, 2022-2025, financed by the IDG Initiative and the Templeton Foundation (see project website here; more information here).
- Relentless Existential Thread - Exploring existential thread for improving sustainability planning and decision-taking, 2023-2024, theme financed by the Pufendorf Institute of Advanced Studies (see project website and related interdisciplinary model).
- ActivateChange - Full project title: Activating transformation: Meeting the climate change crisis inside-out, 2020–2023, financed by Emergence Foundation (see project websites here and here).
- Transist - From everyday forms of resistance to transformational climate change adaptation of the urban poor, 2020–2023, in collaboration with York University, project financed by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) (see project website).
- Naturvation: Nature-based urban innovations, 2016-2020, Horizon 2020 project financed by the European Commission (see project website).
- Inclusive resilience-building to floods in informal settlements (focus: Kibera, Nairobi), 2017-2020, financed by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) (see project website).
- Sustainable urban transformation for climate change adaptation, 2012–2019, financed by The Swedish Research Council FORMAS (see project website).
- City-to-city learning lab on nature-based planning and adaptation (focus: Sweden), 2018–2019, financed by Mistra Urban Futures (see project website).
- Strategies for disaster risk reduction and resilience in Sweden (in line with the global Sendai Framework and Agenda 2030), 2018–2019, financed by MSB (Swedish Contingency Agency) (see project website).
- GLOCULL - Sustainable food-water-energy innovation in Urban Living Labs, 2018-2022, JPI Urban Europe, The Knowledge Hub for Urban Transitions (see LUCSUS website; see project coordinator website).
- BInUCom - Erasmus+ capacity building project on ‘Building Inclusive Urban Communities’ (focus: India), 2015–2019, financed by the EU (see project website).
- ECOSIMP - Urban ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change, 2013–2017, financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency SEPA (see project website).
- EDUCEN - European disasters in urban centers: the role of culture in disaster management and risk, since 2015, financed by the EU (see project website). Member of the Advisory Board.
- WASH & RESCUE - Reducing water-related risks in cities, 2014–15, financed by Stockholm Environment Institute SEI (see project website).
- Climate change adaptation and empowerment, 2016-2017, joint cooperation and research project with Leuphana University, Germany (Faculty of Sustainability).
- Ecosystem-based adaptation and (urban) transformation, 2015-2016, joint cooperation and research project with Leuphana University, Germany (Faculty of Sustainability).
- Ecosystem-based adaptation in urban environments, 2014-2015, joint cooperation and research project with Leuphana University, Germany (Faculty of Sustainability).
- Cities, disaster risk and adaptation, 2012–2014, supported and financed by Resilient Regions Association and Routledge (see related website).
Christine Wamsler is supervising and mentoring PhD students and post-docs at LUCSUS, the Lund University Centre of Excellence for Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability (LUCID), the International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), the Centre for Natural Disaster Science (CNDS) at Uppsala University, the Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation (ZSK), and the Department of Strategic Landscape Planning and Management at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Furthermore, Christine Wamsler is course coordinator and teacher in the context of different Master and undergraduate programs:
- Lund University International Master’s Program in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES) at LUCSUS, Lund University;
- Master's Program in Applied Climate Change Strategies at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (CEC), Lund University;
- Master's Program in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, Societal Resilience Centre and Department of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund University;
- The Master of Disaster Management Program (MDMa) at Copenhagen University, Denmark; and
- Open courses for undergraduate and postgraduates offered by the Lund University Department of Psychology.
Topics taught include: sustainability and inner transformation; psychology and climate change; sustainable city development; disaster risk management; urban risk reduction; climate change adaptation; post-disaster recovery; contemplation, compassion and mindfulness in sustainability science, practice and teaching. Christine Wamsler has been awarded the honour of being made a Mind&Life Fellow. She is a member of The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education, and has been promoted to the position of Excellent Teaching Pratitioner (ETP) at Lund University.
Christine Wamsler's research projects are both inter and transdisciplinary; they are carried out in close cooperation with different stakeholders, mainly local and regional authorities and urban residents, and are designed to influence related policies and practice. To reach different stakeholder groups, Christine has authored a wide range of different publications, including scientific and professional journal articles, book chapters, working papers, policy briefs, operational frameworks and guidelines (see below). Furthermore, she is an active member of numerous scientific committees, expert panels and reference groups (e.g. for the United Nations Development Program UNDP, the British Academy, UK’s Economic and Social Research Council [ESRC], the Department of International Development [DFID], the European Commission, NordForsk, SEI, I-Rec, ProVention Consortium, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), JPI Climate, Red Cross, The Inner Green Deal, The Inner Development Goals). Christine also acts as an editor, editorial board member or reviewer for various international journals (e.g. Sustainability Science, Disasters, Ecology and Society, Global Environmental Change, GAIA) and publishing houses (e.g. Routledge, Elsevier, Oxford University Press).
Recent popular articles, podcasts and videos about Christine Wamsler's work can be found here. Further popular articles focus on: her research and professorship in general (click here), her work on inclusive urban planning (click here and here), urban nature-based innovations (click here and here), climate change adaptation and education (click here, p.23), ecosystem-based adaptation (click here), climate policy integration/ mainstreaming (click here and here) and the mindfulness-sustainability nexus (click here and here). Her work has also been featured in Swedish Newspapers (Svenska Dagbladet, Sydsvenskan), different professional networks and newsletters (e.g. PEDRR-Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction-Newsletter, issues 158, 165, 166, IIASA's Opinions Magazine, The Inflection Journal, etc.), radio interviews (e.g. Radio National Australia, click here), as well as online lectures (on YouTube - e.g, IDG and LUCSUS channels; Dean lecture here) and related interviews (at Melbourne University: click here, and Lund University: click here).
Christine Wamsler is an international expert in sustainable development, sustainable cities, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, climate policy mainstreaming, resilience and associated (cognitive and material) transformation processes. She is Professor of Sustainability Science at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), founder and director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program, a Mind & Life Fellow, a Research Fellow at the Centre of Natural Disaster Science (CNDS), an Associate of Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management (LUCRAM), a Honorary Research Fellow of the Global Urbanism Research Group, Global Development Institute (GDI) of the University of Manchester, and former Co-director of the Centre for Societal Resilience and Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Christine Wamsler is also part of the pool of risk reduction experts that provides advice to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). In addition, she is working as a consultant or senior scientific advisor for different organizations, such as the UNDP, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), the German, Austrian and Belgium Red Cross, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Swedish Organization for Individual Relief (SOIR/IM) and various local NGOs. Places where she has worked and conducted research include Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, India, Kosovo, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Sweden, Tanzania, Togo and the United Kingdom.
Christine Wamsler has 25 years of experience working in the field of sustainability, both in theory and practice. She has led many (inter)national projects and has published more than 200 academic papers, popular scientific articles, guidelines, book chapters and books, including her internationally-recognised book titled “Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation”, published by Routledge.
Christine holds a PhD on Urban Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation and is a qualified postdoctoral lecture (Habilitation) in Sustainability Science (Lund University, Sweden). Her Master’s degree is in International Humanitarian Assistance (University of Bochum, Germany), and post-graduate training includes Project Evaluation (University of the Saarland, Germany), Emergency Management (Charles Sturt University, Australia), and Local and Community Level Disaster Risk Management (International Disaster Risk Management Centre IDRM, the Philippines). She is also a trained Architect and Urban Planner, with a specialization in International Urban Development Planning (University of Stuttgart, Germany & the Ecole d’Architecture Paris-Belleville, France).
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
An Interdisciplinary Model to Foster Existential Resilience and Transformation
Ingela Steij Stålbrand, Ive Brissman, Lovisa Nyman, Erik Sidenvall, Mattias Tranberg, et al.
(2025) Challenges, 16
Journal articleEngaging high-income earners in climate action : Policy insights from survey experiments
Luis Mundaca, Christine Wamsler
(2025) Ecological Economics, 227
Journal articleAddressing Inner Dimensions for Sustainability in Higher Education : A Facilitator Guide
Anna Lena Lewis, Isabell Providoli, Anna Sunderman, Andrea Frank, Daniel Fischer, et al.
ReportConducting sustainability research in the anthropocene : toward a relational approach
Jessica Böhme, Eva Maria Spreitzer, Christine Wamsler
(2024) Sustainability Science, 19 p.1169-1185
Journal articleThe System Within : Addressing the inner dimensions of sustainability and systems change
Jamie Bristow, Rosie Bell, Christine Wamsler, Tomas Björkman, Phoebe Tickell, et al.
(2024) Deep-dive paper
ReportTransformative Climate Resilience Education for Children and Youth: From Climate Anxiety to Resilience, Creativity and Regeneration, Literature review conducted for the ERASMUS+ Project 2023-1-SE01-KA220-SCH-000158705
Christine Wamsler, Laureline Simon, Gwen Ducros, Gustav Osberg
ReportEn kortlek och lite välvilja måste också ned i krislådan
Ive Brissman, Juliet Jacobsen, Lovisa Nyman, Erik Sidenvall, Ingela Steij Stålbrand, et al.
(2024) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleToward a post-carbon society : Supporting agency for collaborative climate action
Gustav Osberg, Mine Islar, Christine Wamsler
(2024) Ecology and Society, 29
Journal articleRevolutionising sustainability leadership and education : addressing the human dimension to support flourishing, culture and system transformation
Christine Wamsler, Gustav Osberg, Jeroen Janss, Liane Stephan
(2024) Climatic Change, 177
Journal articleHow Does Legal Culture Matter for Climate Mobilities? A Case Study in an Unplanned Coastal Settlement in Urban Mozambique
Simon Halliday, Eric Hoddy, Jonathan Ensor, Christine Wamsler, Emily Boyd, et al.
(2024) Social and Legal Studies
Journal articlePathways from research to sustainable development : Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience
Anna Scaini, Joseph Mulligan, Håkan Berg, Albert Brangarí, Vera Bukachi, et al.
(2024) Ambio, 53 p.517-533
Journal articleThe role of trust in the international climate negotiations
Heike Schroeder, Felix Beyers, Niko Alexander Schäpke, Kathleen A. Mar, Christine Wamsler, et al.
(2024) Environmental Policy and Governance
Journal articleIMAGINE sustainability : integrated inner-outer transformation in research, education and practice
Christopher D. Ives, Niko Schäpke, Christoph Woiwode, Christine Wamsler
(2023) Sustainability Science, 18 p.2777-2786
Journal articleIMAGINE sustainability : integrated inner-outer transformation in research, education and practice
Christopher D. Ives, Niko Schäpke, Christoph Woiwode, Christine Wamsler
(2023) Sustainability Science, 18 p.2777-2786
Journal articleThe Human Dimension of the Green Deal : How to Overcome Polarisation and Facilitate Culture & System Change
Jeroen Janss, Christine Wamsler, Acacia Smith, Liane Stephan
ReportVad våra inre liv har med klimatkrisen att göra
Christine Wamsler
(2023) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 100 p.499-508
Journal articleGlobal Leadership for Sustainable Development (GLSD) Programme : An Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Initiative Funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation. 2023 Programme Evaluation Summary
Christine Wamsler, Jeroen Janss, Rosie Bell
ReportThe Global Leadership for Sustainable Development (GLSD) Programme : Inner Development for Accelerating Action Towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Evaluation Report written for the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Initiative and the Templeton World Charity Foundation
Silke Rupprecht, Christine Wamsler
ReportGovernance of densification and climate change adaptation : How can conflicting demands for housing and greening in cities be reconciled?
Sabrina Erlwein, Juliane Meister, Christine Wamsler, Stephan Pauleit
(2023) Land Use Policy, 128
Journal articleFostering collective climate action and leadership : Insights from a pilot experiment involving mindfulness and compassion
Lena Ramstetter, Silke Rupprecht, Luis Mundaca, Walter Osika, Cecilia U.D. Stenfors, et al.
(2023) iScience, 26
Journal articleLearning and community building in support of collective action : Toward a new climate of communication at the COP
Kathleen Mar, Niko Schäpke, Carolin Fraude, Thomas Bruhn, Christine Wamsler, et al.
(2023) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 14
Journal articleLegal culture and climate change adaptation : An agenda for research
Eric Hoddy, Simon Halliday, Jonathan Ensor, Christine Wamsler, Emily Boyd
(2023) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 14
Journal article reviewThe complexity of multiple trauma understandings across disciplines – the COVID-19 pandemic as a ‘case’
Sigrid Stjernswärd, Marie Meier, Karen O'Donnell, Christine Wamsler, Marja Åkerström, et al.
(2023) Nordic Journal of Social Research, 14 p.1-14
Journal articleActivating transformation : Integrating interior dimensions of climate change in adaptation planning
Christine Wamsler, Joe Mulligan, Vera Bukachi, Charity Mumbi
(2023) Climate and Development, 15 p.366-378
Journal articleMeaning-making in a context of climate change : Supporting agency and political engagement
Christine Wamsler, Gustav Osberg, Anna Panagiotou, Beth Smith, Peter Stanbridge, et al.
(2023) Climate Policy, 23 p.829-844
Journal articleNature for Resilience? The Politics of Governing Urban Nature
Laura Tozer, Harriet Bulkeley, Bernadett Kiss, Andrés Luque-Ayala, Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, et al.
(2023) Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113 p.599-615
Journal articlePersonal Sustainability
Oliver Parodi, Christine Wamsler, Marc Dusseldorp
(2023) Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning , p.277-286
Book chapterDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleWhat the Mind has to do with the Climate Crisis : Mindfulness and compassion as pathways to a more sustainable future
Christine Wamsler
Web publicationNog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar
Karin Gerhardt, Kimberly Nicholas, Wim Carton, Anika Binte Habib, Diego Galafassi, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet Debatt, -
Newspaper articleRethinking political agency : The role of individuals’ engagement, perceptions and trust in transitioning to a low-carbon transport system
Christine Wamsler, L. Mundaca, Gustav Osberg
(2022) Journal of Cleaner Production, 360
Journal articleTheoretical foundations report : Research and evidence for the potential of consciousness approaches and practices to unlock sustainability and systems transformation. Report of the UNDP Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA), United Nations Development Programme UNDP.
Christine Wamsler, Jamie Bristow, Kira Cooper, G. Steidle, S. Taggart, et al.
ReportCultivating inner capacities for regenerative food systems : Rationale for action
Thomas Legrand, A Jervoise, Christine Wamsler, C. Dufour, Jamie Bristow, et al.
ReportTransformative Climate Policy Mainstreaming : Engaging the Political and the Personal
Christine Wamsler, Gustav Osberg
(2022) Global Sustainability, 5
Journal articleHow to leave the Anthropocene : Fostering sustainability requires us to challenge our stories and paradigms
Christine Wamsler
Web publicationFlood insurance : A governance mechanism for supporting equitable risk reduction and adaptation?
Mark Kammerbauer, Christine Wamsler
(2022) Climate, Society and Elemental Insurance : Capacities and Limitations , p.83-94
Book chapterUnpacking notions of residents' responsibility in flood risk governance
Karin Snel, Dries Hegger, Heleen Mees, Robin Kundis Craig, Mark Kammerbauer, et al.
(2022) Environmental Policy and Governance, 32 p.217-231
Journal articleThe role of citizens in sustainability and climate change governance : Taking stock and looking ahead
Dries Hegger, Heleen Mees, Christine Wamsler
(2022) Environmental Policy and Governance, 32 p.161-166
Journal article (comment)Sustainable lifestyles: towards a relational approach
Jessica Böhme, Zack Walsh, Christine Wamsler
(2022) Sustainability Science, 17 p.2063-2076
Journal articleCitizen participation in the governance of nature‐based solutions
Bernadett Kiss, Filka Sekulova, Kathrin Hörschelmann, Carl F. Salk, Wakana Takahashi, et al.
(2022) Environmental Policy and Governance, 32 p.247-272
Journal articleReconnection: Meeting the Climate Crisis Inside Out
Jamie Bristow, Rosie Bell, Christine Wamsler
ReportAt the intersection of mind and climate change : integrating inner dimensions of climate change into policymaking and practice
Christine Wamsler, Jamie Bristow
(2022) Climatic Change, 173
Journal articleEducation for sustainability : Sourcing inner qualities and capacities for transformation
Christine Wamsler, Iris Maria Hertog, Lucia Di Paola
(2021) Revolutionizing Sustainability Education : Stories and Tools of Mindset Transformation
Book chapterLinking internal and external transformation for sustainability and climate action : Towards a new research and policy agenda
Christine Wamsler, Gustav Osberg, Walter Osika, Heidi Herndersson, Luis Mundaca
(2021) Global Environmental Change, 71
Journal article reviewCreating space for reflection and dialogue: Examples of new modes of communication for empowering climate action
Carolin Fraude, Thomas Bruhn, Dorota Stasiak, Christine Wamsler, Kathleen Mar, et al.
(2021) GAIA, 30 p.174-180
Journal articleFostering Reflection, Dialogue and Collaboration among Actors at the UN Climate Change Conferences
Kathleen Mar, Carolin Fraude, Thomas Bruhn, Niko Schäpke, Dorota Stasiak, et al.
(2021) IASS Policy Brief
ReportInclusiveness, Equity, Consistency, and Flexibility as Guiding Criteria for Enabling Transdisciplinary Collaboration : Lessons From a European Project on Nature-Based Solutions and Urban Innovation
Claudia Basta, Eva Kunseler, Christine Wamsler, Alexander van der Jagt, Francesc Baro, et al.
(2021) Frontiers in Climate, 3
Journal articleInner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point : fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection
Christoph Woiwode, Niko Schäpke, Olivia Bina, Stella Veciana, Iris Kunze, et al.
(2021) Sustainability Science, 16 p.841-858
Journal articleThe being of change : Why our minds matter for sustainability
Christine Wamsler
Web publicationImplementing the urban food–water–energy nexus through urban laboratories : a systematic literature review
Darin Wahl, Barry Ness, Christine Wamsler
(2021) Sustainability Science, 16 p.663-676
Journal article reviewTowards a relational paradigm in sustainability research, practice and education
Zack Walsh, Jessica Böhme, Christine Wamsler
(2021) Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment, 50 p.74-84
Journal article reviewMy Malmö – Climate Visions for Transforming the Future : Policy report by LUCSUS and Malmö City
Christine Wamsler, Gustav Osberg, L. Mundaca
ReportEnhancing structures for joint climate change mitigation and adaptation action in city administrations–Empirical insights and practical implications
Christian Göpfert, Christine Wamsler, Werner Lang
(2020) City and Environment Interactions, 8
Journal articleEnabling new mindsets and transformative skills for negotiating and activating climate action : Lessons from UNFCCC conferences of the parties
Christine Wamsler, Niko Schäpke, Carolin Fraude, Dorota Stasiak, Thomas Bruhn, et al.
(2020) Environmental Science and Policy, 112 p.227-235
Journal articleExtraordinary governance to avoid extraordinary events
Åse Johannessen, Christine Wamsler
(2020) Water Resilience : Management and Governance in Times of Change , p.263-263
Book chapterTransformative education : towards a relational, justice-oriented approach to sustainability
Zack Walsh, Jessica Böhme, Brooke D. Lavelle, Christine Wamsler
(2020) International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Journal articleEmotional Intelligence and the Sustainable Development Goals: Supporting Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies
Christine Wamsler, Fernando Restoy
(2020) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Book chapterMeeting at the crossroads? Developing national strategies for disaster risk reduction and resilience : Relevance, scope for, and challenges to, integration
Christine Wamsler, Åse Johannessen
(2020) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 45
Journal articleMindfulness, Education, and the Sustainable Development Goals
Pascal Frank, Daniel Fischer, Christine Wamsler
(2020) Quality Education : Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals , p.545-555
Book chapterEnvironmental and climate policy integration: Targeted strategies for overcoming barriers to nature-based solutions and climate change adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Björn Wickenberg, Helena Hanson, Johanna Alkan Olsson, Sanna Stålhammar, et al.
(2020) Journal of Cleaner Production, 247 p.119-154
Journal articleEducation for sustainability : Fostering a more conscious society and transformation towards sustainability
Christine Wamsler
(2020) International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21 p.112-130
Journal articleBeyond participation : when citizen engagement leads to undesirable outcomes for nature-based solutions and climate change adaptation
C. Wamsler, J. Alkan-Olsson, H. Björn, H. Falck, H. Hanson, et al.
(2020) Climatic Change, 158 p.235-254
Journal articleResilient urban water services
Åse Johannessen, Christine Wamsler, Sophie Peter
(2019) The Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience
Book chapterResilience through nature-based solutions : Governance and implementation
Bernadett Kiss, Christine Wamsler, Kes Mccormick
(2019) Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience
Book chapterNew stories for a more conscious, sustainable society: claiming authorship of the climate story
Heidi Hendersson, Christine Wamsler
(2019) Climatic Change, 158 p.345-359
Journal articleThe Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience
Book171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleThe framing of power in climate change adaptation research
Stephen Woroniecki, Ruth Krüger, Anna-Lena Rau, Maren Stefanie Preuss, Nora Baumgartner, et al.
(2019) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10
Journal article reviewThe promises and pitfalls of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change as a vehicle for social empowerment
Stephen Woroniecki, Christine Wamsler, Emily Boyd
(2019) Ecology and Society, 24
Journal articleTransforming urban water governance through social (triple-loop) learning
Åse Johannessen, Åsa Gerger Swartling, Christine Wamsler, Kim Andersson, Julian Timothy Arran, et al.
(2019) Environmental Policy and Governance, 29 p.144-154
Journal articleDeveloping a national strategy for disaster risk reduction and resilience in Sweden : Recommendations for the implementation of the Sendai Framework Global Target E
Christine Wamsler, Åse Johannessen, Peter Månsson
ReportCitizen engagement in climate adaptation surveyed : The role of values, worldviews, gender and place
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler
(2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 209 p.1342-1353
Journal articleA framework for the joint institutionalization of climate change mitigation and adaptation in city administrations
Christian Göpfert, Christine Wamsler, Werner Lang
(2019) Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24 p.1-21
Journal articleThe being of urban resilience
Christine Wamsler, Lynne Reeder, Mark Crosweller
(2019) Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience
Book chapterMindfulness, Education, and the Sustainable Development Goals
Pascal Frank, Daniel Fischer, Christine Wamsler
(2019) Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, 10 p.545-555
Book chapterIntroduction: Rethinking urban resilience
Michael A. Burayidi, John Twigg, Christine Wamsler, Adriana Allen
(2019) The Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience , p.1-13
Book chapterMindfulness, Education, and the Sustainable Development Goals
Pascal Frank, Daniel Fischer, Christine Wamsler
(2019) Quality Education, 10 p.1-1
Book chapterUrban Resilience: State of the Art and Future Prospects
Adriana Allen, John Twigg, Michael A. Burayidi, Christine Wamsler
(2019) Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience , p.476-476
Book chapterInstitutionalizing climate change mitigation and adaptation through city advisory committees: Lessons learned and policy futures
Christian Göpfert, Christine Wamsler, Werner Lang
(2019) City and Environment Interactions, 1
Journal articleGemensam klimatanpassning : Principer för hållbar samverkan mellan kommuner och medborgare
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler
ReportLinking concepts of change and ecosystem services research: A systematic review
Anna-Lena Rau, Manuel Bickel, Julius Rathgens, Thilo Schroth, Annika Weiser, et al.
(2018) Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 4 p.33-45
Journal articleMindsets for Sustainability : Exploring the Link Between Mindfulness and Sustainable Climate Adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2018) Ecological Economics, 151 p.55-61
Journal articleContemplative sustainable futures : The role of individual inner dimensions and transformation in sustainability research and education
Christine Wamsler
(2018) Sustainability and the Humanities , p.359-373
Book chapterNationell styrning behövs för at förebygga översvämningar och vattenbrist
Henrik Aspegren, Lena Blom, Emily Boyd, Gunilla Brattberg, Åse Johannessen, et al.
(2018) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articlePrinciples for supporting city–citizen commoning for climate adaptation : From adaptation governance to sustainable transformation
Christine Wamsler, Sanne Raggers
(2018) Environmental Science and Policy, 85 p.81-89
Journal articleMind the gap : The role of mindfulness in adapting to increasing risk and climate change
Christine Wamsler
(2018) Sustainability Science, 13 p.1121-1135
Journal articleImplementation of the ecosystem services approach in Swedish municipal planning
Per Schubert, Nils G.A. Ekelund, Thomas H. Beery, Christine Wamsler, K. Ingemar Jönsson, et al.
(2018) Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 20 p.298-312
Journal articleOn the road to ‘research municipalities’: analysing transdisciplinarity in municipal ecosystem services and adaptation planning
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler, Maria Adolfsson, Monica Axelsson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2018) Sustainability Science, 13 p.765-784
Journal articleMainstreaming climate adaptation : taking stock about “what works” from empirical research worldwide
Hens Runhaar, Bettina Wilk, Åsa Persson, Caroline Uittenbroek, Christine Wamsler
(2018) Regional Environmental Change, 18 p.1201-1210
Journal articleKlimatförändring inte enda orsak till översvämningarna
Åse Johannessen, Christine Wamsler, Lena Blom, Rolf Larsson, Henrik Aspegren, et al.
(2018) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleCollaborative Governance for Climate Change Adaptation : Mapping citizen–municipality interactions
Ebba Brink, Christine Wamsler
(2018) Environmental Policy and Governance, 28 p.82-97
Journal articleIntegrating the ecosystem-based approach into municipal climate adaptation strategies : The case of Germany
Teresa Zölch, Christine Wamsler, Stephan Pauleit
(2018) Journal of Cleaner Production, 170 p.966-977
Journal articleMindfulness in sustainability science, practice, and teaching
Christine Wamsler, Johannes Brossmann, Heidi Hendersson, Rakel Kristjansdottir, Colin McDonald, et al.
(2018) Sustainability Science, 13 p.143-162
Journal articleRisikomanagement ohne Risikominderung? Soziale Verwundbarkeit im Wiederaufbau nach Hochwasser in Deutschland
Mark Kammerbauer, Christine Wamsler
(2018) Raumforschung und Raumordnung: spatial research and planning, 76 p.485-496
Journal articleSocial inequality and marginalization in post-disaster recovery : Challenging the consensus?
Mark Kammerbauer, Christine Wamsler
(2017) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 24 p.411-418
Journal articleStakeholder involvement in strategic adaptation planning : Transdisciplinarity and co-production at stake?
Christine Wamsler
(2017) Environmental Science and Policy, 75 p.148-157
Journal articleHow mindfulness can help the shift towards a more sustainable society
Christine Wamsler
(2017) The Conversation
Journal articleWhat does resilience mean for urban water services?
Åse Johannessen, Christine Wamsler
(2017) Ecology and Society, 22
Journal articleImplementering av ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i kommunal verksamhet - Slutrapport
K. Ingemar Jönsson, Nils G. A. Ekelund, Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Thomas H. Beery, et al.
(2017) Naturvårdsverket
ReportEkosystemtjänstbegreppet–en historisk tillbakablick och den förväntade rollen i svensk miljöpolicy
Per Schubert, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2017) YMER , p.213-237
Book chapterEvaluating the Performance of Disaster Risk Management Systems – Is It Possible?
Claudia Rivera Escorcia, Henrik Tehler, Christine Wamsler
(2017) Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Book chapterReconstructing Vulnerability after Floods in Germany: Oil Damage and Recovery
M Kammerbauer, Christine Wamsler
(2017) Urban Planning for Disaster Recovery
Book chapterMainstreaming Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Governance and Planning
Christine Wamsler, Stephan Pauleit, Teresa Zölch, S Schetke, A Mascharenas
(2017) Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions
Book chapterUsing green infrastructure for urban climate-proofing : An evaluation of heat mitigation measures at the micro-scale
Teresa Zölch, Johannes Maderspacher, Christine Wamsler, Stephan Pauleit
(2016) Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 20 p.305-316
Journal articlePromoting nature-based solutions: Guideline for integrating ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning and governance
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
ReportGuideline for integrating ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning and governance
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2016) Disaster Studies and Management Working Paper, 32
Working paperMaking headway in climate policy mainstreaming and ecosystem-based adaptation : two pioneering countries, different pathways, one goal
Christine Wamsler, Stephan Pauleit
(2016) Climatic Change, 137 p.71-87
Journal articlePriority areas in municipality planning : Ecosystem services, environmental impact assessments and research areas
Thomas R. Palo, Karen Lagercrantz, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2016) One Ecosystem, 1
Journal articleOperationalizing Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: Harnessing Ecosystem Services to Buffer Communities against Climate Change
Christine Wamsler, Lisa Niven, Thomas Beery, Torleif Bramryd, Nils Ekelund, et al.
(2016) Ecology & Society, 21
Journal articleFrom Risk Governance to City-Citizen Collaboration: Capitalizing on Individual Adaptation to Climate Change
Christine Wamsler
(2016) Environmental Policy and Governance, 26 p.184-204
Journal articleThe urban domino effect: a conceptualization of cities’ interconnectedness of risk
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2016) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 p.80-113
Journal articlePerceptions of the ecosystem services concept: Opportunities and challenges in the Swedish municipal context
Thomas Beery, Sanna Stålhammar, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Christine Wamsler, Torleif Bramryd, et al.
(2016) Ecosystem Services, 17 p.123-130
Journal articleCascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas
Ebba Brink, JOHANNES THEODOR AALDERS, Dóra Ádám, Robert Feller, Yuki Henselek, et al.
(2016) Global Environmental Change, 36 p.111-123
Journal articleAdaptive capacity : from coping to sustainable transformation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) Climate change adaptation and development: transforming paradigms and practices , p.54-82
Book chapterFragmentation in disaster risk management systems: A barrier for integrated planning
Claudia Rivera, Henrik Tehler, Christine Wamsler
(2015) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14 p.445-456
Journal articleA review of urban ecosystem services: six key challenges for future research
Christopher Luederitz, Ebba Brink, F Gralla, V Hermelingmeier, M Meyer, et al.
(2015) Ecosystem Services, 14 p.98-112
Journal article reviewMainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Transformation Toward Sustainability in Urban Governance and Planning
Christine Wamsler
(2015) Ecology & Society, 20 p.18-30
Journal articleThe role of individual adaptive practice for sustainable adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 6 p.6-29
Journal articleFrom Adaptive Capacity to Adaptation: Rethinking the Interface between Institutions and Citizens
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) Input paper for The State of DRR at the Local Level, A 2015 Report on the Patterns of Disaster Risk Reduction Actions at Local Level , p.1-18
Book chapterThe urban domino effect: a conceptualization of cities’ interconnectedness of risk, Input paper
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2015) Global assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 , p.1-39
Book chapterIntegrating climate change adaptation into municipal planning and governance : A guideline
Christine Wamsler
(2015) Working Paper Series of the University College London (UCL) Hazard Centre, 31
Working paperMoving beyond short-term coping and adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2014) Environment & Urbanization, 26 p.86-111
Journal articleSvensk forskning om klimatanpassning inom styrning och planering [Swedish research on climate change adaptation, governance and planning]
M Hjerpe, E Glaas, E Storbjörk, S Jonsson, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2014) CSPR Briefings
ReportInterfacing citizens’ and institutions’ practice and responsibilities for climate change adaptation
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2014) Urban Climate, 7 p.64-91
Journal articleIntegrating climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and urban planning: A review of Nicaraguan policies and regulations
Claudia Rivera, Christine Wamsler
(2014) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 7 p.78-90
Journal articleStäder i fokus för klimatanpassning och riskreducering [Cities in focus: Urban climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction]
Christine Wamsler
(2014) Klimat i Fokus (Climate in focus)
Journal articleCities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation
Christine Wamsler
(2014) Routledge Series on Critical Introduction to Urbanism and the City
BookUrban focus in climate change adaptation and risk reduction
Christine Wamsler
(2014) Klimat i Fokus
ReportLocal levers for change: Mainstreaming ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning to foster sustainability transitions
Christine Wamsler, Christopher Luederitz, Ebba Brink
(2014) Global Environmental Change, 29 p.189-201
Journal articleWater and Risk: Developing sustainable and resilient communities
Åse Johannessen, Christine Wamsler, Per Becker, Jenny Fredby, Olle Castell, et al.
ReportPlanning for resilience to climatic extremes and variability: A review of Swedish municipalities’ adaptation responses
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink
(2014) Sustainability, 6 p.1359-1385
Journal articleEn klimatanpassingsguide för kommuner [Guide for Municipal Climate Change Adaptation]
Ebba Brink, Adelina Osmani, Christine Wamsler
OtherEvaluation of the Development of the Sustainable City Approach
Stefan Dahlgren, Christine Wamsler
(2014) Sida Decentralised Evaluations
ReportPlanning for climate change in urban areas : From theory to practice
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Claudia Rivera
(2013) Journal of Cleaner Production, 50 p.68-81
Journal articleManaging risk: from the United Nations to local-level realities: or vice versa
Christine Wamsler
(2013) Climate and Development, 5 p.253-255
Journal articleAnpassning i Städer [Climate change adaptation in cities]
Christine Wamsler
(2013) 15 Nedslag i Klimatforskningen: Dåtid, Nutid, Framtid , p.45-58
Book chapterComplementing Institutional with Localised Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation: A South–North Comparison
Christine Wamsler, Nigel Lawson
(2012) Disasters, 36 p.28-53
Journal articleClimate Change, Adaptation, and Formal Education: the Role of Schooling for Increasing Societies' Adaptive Capacities in El Salvador and Brazil
Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Oskari Rantala
(2012) Ecology & Society, 17 p.2-2
Journal articleEducation: Key to climate change adaptation?
Christine Wamsler
(2011) Options Magazine, Winter 2011/2012 p.23-23
Journal articleThe Role of Formal and Informal Insurance Mechanisms for Reducing Urban Disaster Risk: A South-North Comparison
Christine Wamsler, Nigel Lawson
(2011) Housing Studies, 26 p.197-223
Journal articleClimate Change, Adaptation and Formal Education: The Role of Schooling for Increasing Societies' Adaptive Capacities
Christine Wamsler
(2011) Summary of the outcomes of the project component b of the EU project ‘Forecasting Societies’ Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change’
ReportReducing Risk in a Changing Climate: Changing Paradigms Toward Pro-poor Adaptation
Christine Wamsler
(2010) Open House International, 35 p.6-25
Journal articleAn Innovative Systems Approach for Research on Urban Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Christine Wamsler
(2010) Systemist, 23 p.188-215
Journal articleOperational Framework for Integrating Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into Urban Development
Christine Wamsler
(2009) , 101
Working paperMainstreaming HIV/AIDS in settlement development planning
Christine Wamsler
(2008) Open House International, 33 p.6-7
Journal article (comment)Achieving Urban Resilience: Understanding and Tackling Disasters from a Local Perspective
Christine Wamsler
(2008) Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, 161 p.163-171
Journal articleClimate Change Impacts on Cities: Ignore, Mitigate or Adapt?
Christine Wamsler
(2008) Trialog, 97 p.4-10
Journal articlePlanning ahead - Adapting settlements before disasters strike
Christine Wamsler
(2008) Hazards and the Built Environment
Book chapterOperational Framework for Integrating Risk Reduction: for Organisations Working in Settlement Development Planning
Christine Wamsler
(2007) , 14
Working paperBridging the gaps: stakeholder-based strategies for risk reduction and financing for the urban poor
Christine Wamsler
(2007) Environment & Urbanization, 19 p.115-142
Journal articleCommunity and Civil Society Perspectives, Local Knowledge and Coping Strategies
Ben Wisner, Adolfo Mascarenhas, Christine Wamsler, Margaret Arnold, Bruno Haghebaert
Conference paperIntegrando la gestión del riesgo, planificación urbana y vivienda social: lecciones de El Salvador [Integrating disaster risk reduction, urban planning and social housing: Lessons from El Salvador]
Christine Wamsler
(2007) Revista INVI , p.93-114
Journal articleCoping strategies in urban slums
Christine Wamsler
(2007) State of the World 2007: our urban future , p.124-124
Book chapterManaging Urban Disaster Risk: Analysis and Adaptation Frameworks for Integrated Settlement Development Programming for the Urban Poor
Christine Wamsler
(2007) HDM thesis series, Thesis 4
DissertationIntegrating risk reduction, urban planning and housing: Lessons from El Salvador
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Open House International, 31 p.71-83
Journal articleManaging urban disasters
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Open House International, 31 p.4-9
Journal article (comment)Mainstreaming risk reduction in urban planning and housing: a challenge for international aid organisations
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Disasters, 30 p.151-177
Journal articleEditorial - Building on disaster
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Trialog, 91 p.2-2
Journal article (letter)Operational Framework for Integrating Risk Reduction for Aid Organisations Working in Human Settlement Development
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Disaster Studies Working Paper
Working paperTackling urban vulnerability : An operational framework for aid organisations
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Humanitarian Exchange, 35 p.24-26
Journal articleUnderstanding disasters from a local perspective: insights into improving assistance for social housing and settlement development
Christine Wamsler
(2006) Trialog, 91 p.4-8
Journal articleManaging urban risk: perceptions of housing and planning as a tool for reducing disaster risk
Christine Wamsler
(2004) Global Built Environment Review, 4 p.11-28
Journal articleEl Salvador: Proyecto de Reconstrucción con Inclusión de la Gestión de Riesgo [El Salvador: Reconstruction with integrated disaster risk reduction]
Christine Wamsler, C Umaña
(2003) Divisón 4200, Democracia y Gobernabilidad
Working paperPerú: Proyecto de Reconstrucción con Inclusión de la Gestión de Riesgo [Peru: Reconstruction with integrated disaster risk reduction]
Christine Wamsler, M Castañeda, E Chuquimia
(2003) División 4200, Democracia y Gobernabilidad
Working paperKatastrophen-Risikomanagement [Disaster risk management]
Christine Wamsler
(2002) Trialog, 73 p.32-35
Journal articleEvaluierung von Projekten mit dem Ziel der Wohnraumbeschaffung: Evaluierung von Wohnbau-Projekten der Entwicklungshilfe sowie dessen Übertragung auf Projekte der Humanitären Hilfe [Evaluation of social housing programmes: Analysis of frameworks for International Development Aid and their potential use for Humanitarian Assistance]
Christine Wamsler
Master's ThesisMedidas de mejoramiento de viviendas y de urbanismo como parte de la gestión local de riesgo [Local disaster risk management: Measures in the fields of social housing, urban development and settlement upgrading]
Christine Wamsler
(2001) FEMID-GTZ: Proyecto para el Fortalecimiento de Estructuras Locales en la Mitigación de Desastres
Working paperEl sector informal en la separación del material reciclable de los residuos sólidos municipales en el Estado de México [Informal waste management in Mexico State]
Christine Wamsler
(2000) Proyecto de apoyo a la gestión de residuos sólidos , p.1-106
Working paperLomé, Hauptstadt Togos, Westafrika: Konzepte zur städtebaulichen Entwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Handelszentren sowie kulturspezifischer Wohnformen [Urban development of Lomé, Togo, West Africa: Conceptualisation and urban planning with special consideration of economic and culture-specific lifestyles]
Christine Wamsler
Master's ThesisArchitektur und Städtebau in Bassar, einer Kleinstadt in Togo [Architecture and urban planning in Bassar, Togo, West Africa]
Christine Wamsler
(1998) Trialog, 59 p.50-59
Journal articleHugo Junkers (overview of Hugo Junkers engineering accomplishments)
Christine Wamsler
(1997) L’art de l’ingénieur: constructeur, entrepeneur, inventeur [The art of the engineer: constructor, manager and innovator] , p.245-245
Book chapterErstes europäisches Museum für Fotographie in Paris [First European Museum of Photography in Paris]
Christine Wamsler
(1996) Denkmalschutz-Informationen , p.19-20
Journal articleWandmalerei heute – politique de fresques in Paris [Contemporary wall-painting in Paris]
Christine Wamsler
(1996) Denkmalschutz-Informationen , p.18-19
Journal articleLe Salon International du Patrimoine – Messe für Denkmalschutz in Frankreich [Protection of historical monuments in France]
Christine Wamsler
(1996) Denkmalschutz-Informationen , p.4-7
Journal articleRestaurierung der Pont Alexandre III in Paris [Restoration of Pont Alexandre III in Paris]
Christine Wamsler
(1996) Denkmalschutz-Informationen , p.14-17
Journal articleThe Centre George Pompidou
Christine Wamsler
(1996) Denkmalschutz-Informationen , p.12-14
Journal articleNeue Architekturabteilung innerhalb des französischen Kulturministeriums [New Department of Architecture in the French Ministry of Culture]
Christine Wamsler
(1996) Denkmalschutz-Informationen , p.17-18
Journal article
Christine Wamsler
Christine Wamsler is Professor of Sustainability Science at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), Founder of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program, a Mind & Life Fellow, an Honorary Fellow of the Global Urbanism Research Group at the Global Development Institute (GDI) and former Co-Director of the Societal Resilience Centre. She is an internationally-renowned expert in sustainable development, climate change action, risk reduction and associated (material and cognitive) transformation processes, with 25 years of experience, both in theory and practice.